Register your Pet Your last name* Your first name* Title* Postcode* Address*Mobile number*Email address* Which of our branches will you be attending*Please selectStratton, BudeHolsworthyCamelfordBradworthyAnimal Name* Choose a Species*Please selectDogCatOther MammalBirdReptileOtherBreed* Colour Gender*Please selectMaleFemaleNeutered?*Please selectYesNoDate of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Microchipped?*Please selectYesNoMicrochip Number (if Known) Country of origin* Add another pet 2. Animal Name* 2. Choose a Species*Please selectDogCatOther MammalBirdReptileOther2. Breed* 2. Colour 2. Gender*Please selectMaleFemale2. Neutered?*Please selectYesNo2. Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY 2. Microchipped?*Please selectYesNo2. Microchip Number (if Known) 2. Country of origin* We’d like to update you occasionally with pet health news and offers that we think you’ll be interested to hear about. If you do not wish to receive these, please tick below. CAPTCHA Submit